My basing theme.
California redwood forest. |
After a very long look at a large variety of different basing themes, which there are a lot of out there, so many. The basing theme or style that I landed on was a combination of my two most favorite themes and scenescapes. First one being a woodland, overgrown, redwood forest style. And the second being ruined rubble urban city terrain. I like the dampness, the darkness, and green of the forest, I'll be combining that to the rubble and concrete nature of the urban theme, to get an overgrown modern ruined cityscape.
Kind of overgrown, with the urban theme. |
I'll be adding moss, leaves, small branches, static grass, and grass tuffs, to broken and chipped plaster tiles. I'll have tiles coming up, broken, smashed and cracked. Rocks and rubble scattered about. I'll also have fallen tree branches with leaves and moss, maybe some smaller plants to really give it that overgrown feeling.
Overgrown and Gothic. |
Close to what I'm going for. |
The idea is that my marines have landed on a long deserted Imperial planet, rich with minerals and other resources, as well as being a fairly "safe" planet (well at one point), not to many monsters or giant beasts. Then it was heavily contested over by a smaller Tau sept called the No'va. The planet was then ripped into the warp where it sat letting nature take over and running its corse. Most if not all of the human population managed to evacuate off the planet to safety, the Tau were not as fortunate...
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