Monday, August 24, 2015

Kill Team Apothecary

    Hey all it's been a while! To help me get back into the swing of things I've been starting to work on a kill team so that 1. I can start having so fun with the game, and 2. give myself a narrower task to focus on. So I thought I'ed start with a kill team a go from there, in a sort of escalation style manner. My first step was to find all of my salvaged bits, these were all the bits that I had previously stripped the paint from and I had no idea of what to do with them all, then it hit me, I could convert a small kill team force from cobbled together bits. I then saw the Apothecary backpack and I knew that the first character was going to make was to be an apothecary.

    I'm quite happy with how he turned out. This is the first model that I've scratch built, and it was a lot of fun to do it. My plan is now to do this with the rest of the models in the kill team, leave no model unconverted! And I plan on trying to make them from my salvaged bits too, I know all ready that I need  to use some new bits and I want to use them sparingly.

    The Narthecium was a lot of fun to scratch build. It was made a chainsword, cut in half, with the handle cut off too. Then I glued the scout binocular bit on the outside of the narthcium. The extraction needle was made from a extra thick paper clip, with a promethium canister gules to the end to be the gene seed holding tube, then glued on to the narthcuim through a hole drilled into both the chainsword and binoculars. I made from greenstuff the little piece of tubing on the end an glued it to one of the binocular lenses and then to the back of the Narthecium. Lastly I cut and glued an auspex cut at the handle and glued to the top, along with the chainsword exhaust vent, of the Narthecium.

I gave the Apothecary a power sword mostly because for my kill team he for the most part will be leading the team, not to mention I love power swords, they just look so cool to me and I think is gives him a more badass knight feel. I also added a bit of plasticard to the left pauldron to give it a more MK III feel. 

    As for fluff, or "backstory" as some are calling it now. I'm thinking I want to make them a succor chapter of the Imperial Fists, the chapter tactic "Bolter Drill" is a really cool idea to me and I really love the Imperial Fist's fluff not to mention their amazing color scheme too. I also want to make my own chapter, mostly because I would like to have a force that can explore the different chapter tactics out there with out being peg holed into a certain chapter affiliation. 

    I'm not sure what color scheme I'm going to go with right now, I play Ultramarines and Blood Angels so I have blue and red power armor and want something that goes along with both so that I could either have them as a succor chapter or an allied contingence of another succor chapter. Two ideas I do have for color scheme are either a royal purple, with sky blue eyes and gold trim, kinda like the Soul Drinkers. Or a color scheme more like this, I really fell in love with the scheme when I saw one of winters SEO battle reports, if you haven't already checked him out, please do I think his battle reports are fun, well lit, and I think his army is very cool looking, so do it! Go check him out! I like the brighter blue its for sure, in my opinion, a lot more cheerful scheme than the Ultramarine's, I think they still somewhat match without matching too much. 

   Next step is to prime him up! And then work on his base. I was thinking about giving him a space hulk style, Zone Mortalis, or landing bay kind of a base, more on that to come.

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