The bits I've collected so for. |
Here's something else I've got on my workbench, the first acolyte for my Inquisitorial warband! I'm kit bashing together a number of thing, the main body is a tempestus scion, the head and arms are from the new skitarii kit. I'm going to convert up a new looking style of hot-shot lasgun using a skitarii vanguard rife bit and a lasgun. I'm not sure on what head to go with yet either one of the ranger heads, or one of the bare heads.
The head options. |
I'll be cutting the Skiarii leg off at the knee and adding it to the scion legs. |
I'll use one of these arms for the base of the Hot-shot lasgun. |
A brief backstory on this acolyte, his name is Sergeant Calaran Kriegers, he was a highly trained scion that was recruited by my inquisitor, Invictus Novus. Invictus inquisitorially requisitioned him and his squad on the hive world of Malthus in the Calixis Sector around 941.M41. The hive world was in chaos the local PDF couldn't keep control. Heretical psykers had pushed the world to the point of instability and daemons were starting the tear themselves through, Sergeant Kriegers and his scion squad, the Dragon Slayers were pinned down in the middle of hab block, bloodletters streaming in all around them, they were about to be over run when Invictus showed up with his inferno pistol blazing and power sword sparking blue electric lightning. He slayed through the daemons rallying Kriegers and his dragons to fight with renewed furiosity and fervor. Once the block had been cleared of all taint, Sergeant Kriegers knew that this agent of the Inquisition would be needing more help, and due to the vox network being down he didn't have anyway of receiving new orders, he might as well put his training to use. After the mission was successfully completed, well successful in the eyes of the inquisition, Invictus asked if Sergeant Kriegers and the few remaining Dragon Slayers want the come and work for him, and the Dragons accepted.
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