Monday, September 29, 2014

1st and main project log, 2nd project log, and welcome back to the game...

Tau Battle Cadre. Image found via the internet

So for big project I'm going to start my army, yes I know I've been "playing", well really hobby-ing on and off for the last 14 years or so and in all that time I have yet to complete a fully painted army. Not to mention how much the rules have changed since I last read the rulebook too, in the last week I've been rereading the rules and a couple of the more recent army codex's to get an idea of the army I want to build.

So that's my first main project, my goal is to get an army fully painted completed by January with the hope I'll be able to play some smaller games as I build up my forces. And which army have I decided to go with? 

The Ultramarines!

Image via Games Workshop

Yes I know a lot of people seem to dislike them and call them smurfs, and well really do they hate the ultramarines or just Matt Ward screwing it all up. To be honest the first army I "finished" when I was 10 was an Ultramarine army, and by "finished" I mean "finished" by a 10 year olds standards and, so not, tabletop ready by my standards, so I've been playing Ultramarines way before Matt messed then up for everyone and made them the ultra-poster boys of the game.

Why I chose them, well there was a few reasons to me why they stuck out over the other chapters and even the other army's, the first being I like blue, dark blue, and to me the dark blue with the gold and white high lights is very visually stunning to me. Second, I like their fluff, even back in 3rd edition the ultramarine really appealed to me with strict codes of conduct and discipline to the art of war, it reminded me of the Samurai and the bushido code, this out of everything is what makes me like them so much. The Ultramarine's are the guardian of the galaxy, where as other chapters specialize in one thing or another the Ultramarine's are the jack of all trades, they are flexible and can over come, well just about anything. "We are the Ultramarines, the Sons of Guilliman. Whilst we draw breath, we stand. Whilst we stand, we fight. Whilst we fight, we prevail. Nothing shall stay our wrath", this quote pretty much sums up why I love the Ultramarine's so much, indomitability. 
Deathwing Terminator from Ron Saikowski of From the Warp

And for my second project or side project, I'll be working on a Dark Angels Deathwing army. Why? Because like the Ultramarines I love the DA Deathwing lore and culture from the game, plus I LOVE terminators! I just can't get enough of them and Belial, well he's just a bad ass. And again I love the bone white colored armor with red and green highlights. The idea of the inter circle is also very interesting to me too, the elites of the chapter working in secret to repair there name and return them to their former glory. To me the Dark Angles are the anti-heroes of the space marines, the one who are noble and good yet will do what it takes to get the job done. Kinda the opposite of the what the Ultramarines stand for, which is another reason why I like them.

Soon I'll be putting up my army lists so anyone and tear them apart or suggest what to add please leave a comment, as well as talking about basing themes.

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