Las Vegas Open 2015 |
So my hope/plan for the rest of this year and the coming year is to make it to the Las Vegas Open in 2015 and play in their 40K friendly event. This does a couple of things for me for me 1. it gives me a clear and very solid deadline in which to get my army completed and fielded in battle before the event in February, and 2. I've never been to Vegas or any type of Wargaming convention, or have yet to even play a game (yeah I know that will soon change), so the idea of all this is very exciting to me
This definitely gives me a boost of motivation and inspiration, so on to my plan. My plan is to try and post to the blog everyday, they may be WIP post, studio updates, tutorials, Terrain and basing ideas, or anything else Warhammer 40,000 related.
Found on deviantART |
I also plan to write some fluff for my 2nd company Ultramarines, so far I plan to name each battle brother and give them a little backstory (fluff) on how and maybe why they joined the Ultramarines. So that's what I've been doing the last couple of weeks, reading and watching warhammer 40k history (fluff) then writing some of my own to give my army more of a theme.
Found on Pintrest. |
Pintrest. I recently stared a Pintrest account for all the Warhammer 40k material and related material I find on the web, it's a way for me to keep a public idea folder of all the amazing tutorials and post from other blogs out there. I started it mainly because of wanting to find more terrain building ideas, which Pintrest is great for. I've already found more source material than I can even have time for!
Well that's all I have for now, keep checking back for updates, inspiration, tutorials and more!
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